Help aggressive fish...


New member
Hi, I'm a beginner and I think the advice I got where I bought my first fish wasn't very good. They didn't tell me that minnows and danios need to be in groups of 5 or more, so they sold me 3 white cloud mountain minnows, three gold white cloud and two leopard danios. The leopard danios are attacking the mountain minnows and are biting their fins, oneof them has already died. It's terrible. I added three more mountain minnnows thinking that they would be less vulnerable but danios still nibbling the smallest ones fins - looks like that one is going to die, too.
What should I do. 60 litre tank. Either have only minnows, 6 of each kind and take the danios out? But what can I do with unwanted fish? Any advice greatly appreciated.
It is a common problem with a small enclosed space that a fish tank is. 60 L is not massive but should be ok for small fish like those? The smaller the tank the more likely that arguments usually over territory if it's different species or mating rights if the same species. The best solution really assuming that a bigger tank is out of the question is to give the fish plenty of hiding places with plants, rocks or other decor. If that fails you can always take the aggressive Danio's back to the fish shop and make do with a single species tank or try something more passive like guppies or small tetra's like neon eg.

Neon Tetras.

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It is a common problem with a small enclosed space that a fish tank is. 60 L is not massive but should be ok for small fish like those? The smaller the tank the more likely that arguments usually over territory if it's different species or mating rights if the same species. The best solution really assuming that a bigger tank is out of the question is to give the fish plenty of hiding places with plants, rocks or other decor. If that fails you can always take the aggressive Danio's back to the fish shop and make do with a single species tank or try something more passive like guppies or small tetra's like neon eg.

Neon Tetras.

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Hi Floyd, thanks that was very helpful. I went and took the Danios back to the shop, they were happy to have them in their rehoming tank. The minnows have calmed down now and I have peace of mind... thanks again.